Two Common Meta-Programs



Two Common Meta-Programs

There are many different types of meta-programs that could be discussed. In fact, there are over 50 different types of meta-programs that have been identified. However, this figure changes all the time as some meta-programs are merged with other similar meta-programs and new meta-programs are added to the list.


Learning about the different kinds of meta-programs is interesting, however, there is a lot to learn, and it can take a bit of time to understand and process this information. Therefore instead of going through each of the +50 meta-programs, let’s instead focus on two of the more common meta-programs that will help you to get a better understanding of yourself and others. These meta-programs are:


  • The frame of Reference sort
  • Necessity or Possibility sort


The frame of Reference Sort

The Frame of Reference sort can be either internal or external. Therefore a person can either have an internal frame of reference or an external frame of reference.


A person with an internal frame of reference is very intuitive and self-oriented. This means that they often make decisions based on personal feelings and opinions. They must feel within themselves that they’ve done a good job or made a good decision. Therefore, in order to influence, motivate and build rapport with this person you will need to talk about their experiences and allow them to make up their own mind about the issue at hand.


A person with an external frame of reference is very much focused on others. They are consistently seeking external answers and approval from others. As a result, they make decisions based on people’s opinions, perspectives, and actions. Therefore in order to influence, motivate and build rapport with this person you will need to provide them with your own suggestions or talk about other people’s ideas and suggestions and how they can be of value in this situation.


Necessity or Possibility Sort

The Necessity or Possibility sort is based on whether a person makes decisions based on necessity or primarily based on possibility.


A person with more of a necessity sort often settles for what life gives them. They primarily make decisions that are based on avoiding pain. They will settle for what’s available and don’t care much about options or varied experiences. Therefore in order to influence, motivate and build rapport with this person you will need to focus on making them feel secure and comfortable with their decisions. Provide them with something that’s familiar, easy and safe.


A person with more of a possibility sort often seeks variety and opportunity. They primarily make decisions that are based on gaining pleasure. They, therefore, don’t like to settle, but rather go for what they really want in life. They are motivated to look for possibilities that will help them expand their opportunities. Therefore in order to influence, motivate and build rapport with this person you will need to focus on presenting them with challenges; informing them about the risks that they will need to take to get what they want, and the inevitable opportunities that will be available once they take positive action.




NLP Meta-Programs: What They Are And How to Utilize Them






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