


Being Authentic Self, developing relationships You really want and living life fulfilled more with love than fear … and making Your dreams come true.


Would You like to develop competencies needed to unfold this quality of Life?



Would You like to learn how to:


Practice your awareness needed to find out and express what really calls You within Your heart, what really is deep inside of You?


Discover that how precious You are and how precious gift You have to offer to Your community?


Discover next steps in Your Life, in your private and business relationships ?


Strenghten Your motivation and resilience, needed for walking Your own Path ?


If yes, this webinar is for You.




Outcomes You can expect:



Experience of discovering Your deep calling related to the moment of Your Life called “Right Now”.


Experience of being welcomed, connected, supported, and blessed in the community of practitioners. And to have the opportunity to welcome, respect, and bless others as well.


Interactive practices, mutual support in big and small groups, and a guided process for discovering Your own deep calling.


Experience of deeper peace, clarity, and harmony inside of You.


If you are a person who wants to go develop and maintain a deep connection with Your Authentic Self and to Live Your Life from this place of authenticity, this webinar is for You.


Welcome 🙂



About trainer:


Michał Kułakowski, born in 1975 in Warsaw, Poland.


Psychologist MA, Self-Leadership, Leadership, Team Collaboration Coach and Coaching Trainer.


Trained in coaching on the path of ICC, ICF (PCC Level), and IAGC.
Trained in Assessment and Development Center methodology by DDI and SHL.

Since 2012, Michal is serving as Steven Gilligan Ph.D. assistant.


For about fifteen years, Michał has been implementing educational projects related to happiness and wellbeing, personal growth, innovative business, creative collaboration, stress management and high performance. In his carrier, as trainer, consultant and coach he was supporting businessmen, artists, government officials, teachers, therapists, coaches, sportsmen, parents, teenagers, and children.

He used to work with leaders/teams of ING Insurance Comp., Coca-Cola, Merck Pharmaceutical Corp, Metro Group, GTI Travel, Warsaw Eagles Sports Team, and Chinese private entrepreneurs.


Michał is/was mentor coach and tutor of coaching on post-graduate studies Kozminsky University in Warsaw, Poland (MBA), the University of Economics in Cracow, Institute of Training and Psychotherapy (Laboratory of Psychoeducation), Warsaw, Poland.


He was a mentor coach supporting coaches on the path of accreditation in ICF and one of the groups’ leaders during coaching IAGC certification programs in China.


He was a speaker during the international coaching conference, during ICF Warsaw (Poland) and  ICF Shanghai (China) learning forum, and during TEDx Conference in China.


Professional publications in coaching books:


1. Coaching. Theory, practice, case studies editor Małgorzata Sidor-Rządkowska

2. Coaching – human potential development editor Lidia Czarkowska

  1. Coaching as company development catalyst editor Lidia Czarkowska
  2. Harmony in private and business life editor Michał Kułakowski
  3. A Journey towards Intrinsic Motivation in Coaching co-authored A.Szewczyk & M.Kulakowski in Coaching Review Poland 2017


Nowadays Michał is living in China, with his wife and daughter.


As a part of his private practice as a psychologist, coach and trainer, nowadays Michał focuses on delivering support (workshops and sessions) to his clients for developing nurishing intimate relationships and blossoming families.


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